Survey 101 Part II
Journal Entry: Mon Jul 21, 2008, 7:29PM- Mood:
- Listening to: Nelly - Country Grammar
- Reading:
- Watching: PH CLique Room
- Eating: Shrimp
- Drinking: Ice Tea
* i slept around 2am? happy? hell yeah! i was able to spoke with the composer of "You Are The One" and damn! he sang for me..

2) When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
* 2 mos ago? hehe

3) Anyone told you a secret this week?
* yep!

4) Did you have a good day yesterday?
* i did, it was my day off

5) What was the highlight of today?
* the composer dude!

6) Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
* yeah! sometimes..

7) What happened at 3:00am today?
* snoring??

8) When was the last time you took a picture with your number 3 friend?

10) Do you hate anyone?
* nope!

11) Do they know who they are?

12) What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
* peanut butter alone!

13) When did you last cry?
* last night! while

14) Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?
* nope!

15) Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
* yah!

16) Are you slowly distancing from someone you love?
* currently my

17) When was the last time you bought something?
* thursday morning!

18) Have you ever told someone you love them?
* yah!

19) Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you know you're wrong?
* i dont!

20) What do you want in your life right now?
* many to mention! hehe

21) Is there anyone that calls you baby?

22) In the next 4 months what are you looking forward to the most?
* having someone to hold!

23) Why?
* dont wanna end up

24) Who were the last 5 texts in your inbox from?

Ate Feng, LiT, TiNa, BiNOT, GLen
25) What are you thinking of right now?

26) When was the last time you partied?
* last week.

27) Have you ever been tanning?
* NO!

28) Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online?

29) When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?
* when we had our last team building in Bantayan Isl.

30) Have any crazy family members?

31) Did you tell someone something today?

32) Do you wear Crocs?
* nop, but i wanna try!

33) Have you ever considered a sex change?

34) What will you buy next?

35) Are you bored?
* a bit! too lazy to do something

36) What are you wearing?
* spag, maong shorts.

37) Any plans for today?
* yah! work.

38) What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
* his actually a total stranger

39) What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
* just a bunch of quotes.

40) Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
* nope! nothing fits.

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